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Why I’m Thankful for Jersey Cows

Thanksgiving is a time for counting your blessings, including jersey cows. Maybe jersey cows did not make your list of things to be thankful for this year, but they sure made mine. I know what you must be thinking. Why on earth would I put a dairy cow on my list of things for which I am grateful? I have my reasons. The same things about Jersey cows that make them popular among homesteaders and hobby farmers are what I appreciate most about them. There also is the fact that a Jersey cow basically saved my life (no, really). If you have never had the pleasure of owning a Jersey cow, read on to learn why I am appreciative of this breed of dairy cow on Thanksgiving and every day of the year.

1 – Jersey Cows Yield the Best Raw Milk

I am not just saying this because I own one. Jersey cattle produce raw milk with a high butterfat content. Not to be confused with bad fat that can negatively impact your health, butterfat is where all the nutrients and vitamins are stored in raw milk. Jersey cows yield milk with roughly 5 percent butterfat. As a nutrient-dense food, Jersey milk is packed with calcium, protein, and vitamins A & D. The higher butterfat content means anything made from the milk – cheese, ice cream, yogurt – is just as rich and creamy. Trust me when I say you have not tasted the best ice cream around until you have had some made from raw Jersey milk.    

2 – People with food allergies can drink raw Jersey milk

Remember when I said earlier that a Jersey cow saved my life? Here’s how. Before I started consuming raw milk from our Jersey cow, I had the worst food allergies. The list of things I could eat without breaking out in hives and suffering from other unpleasant side effects grew smaller each year. After years of prescription medication and fad diets, I finally went to see a naturopathic doctor. She turned me on to a raw milk diet of A2 milk. Unlike Holsteins – which is where most commercial milk comes from – most Jerseys produce A2 milk. The 30-day raw milk diet worked for me. I no longer become ill or get skin rashes when I eat food.

3 – Jersey cows are easy to manage

Jersey cows range between 36 inches and 62 inches tall, depending on which kind you choose. Standard Jerseys are the biggest among the breed at 62 inches. Mini-Jersey cows stand between 36 and 42 inches. Many homesteaders prefer mini-Jerseys because they take up less space than their standard-size counterparts. For the folks who like something in-between, there is a mid-size mini-Jersey that measures between 42 and 48 inches tall. Their size is one of the reasons why Jersey cows are so easy to manage. Their personality is the other. Most Jerseys are docile and friendly (although sometimes their curiosity can get them into a bit of trouble).

Jersey cow milking machine
Milking machines can make quick work out of milking a Jersey cow.

4 – Milking Jerseys is super easy

Jerseys tend to be very enjoyable in the milking parlor because of their easy-going attitudes. Expert milkers can make quick work of their daily routines. Even novice milkers fare well with Jerseys because they patiently stand there and let you experiment until you get it right. Speaking of milking, you get your money’s worth of raw milk from a Jersey. Most Jersey cows yield between 3 and 5 gallons per day, which is more than enough to satisfy a family of 4 to 6 people. I use our raw milk for drinking, cooking, and making cheeses, ice creams, and yogurts.

Should I Use a Cow Halter for My Jersey Cow and Why?

A cow halter for Jersey cows is a useful tool for leading, tying, and training your dairy cow. It helps to control the cow’s movement and makes it easier to handle her during milking, grooming, or veterinary care. Using a cow halter for Jersey cows can also reduce the risk of injury for both the cow and the handler.

5 – Big Jerseys make cute, little Jerseys

Jersey cows are so stinking cute with their big, doe-like eyes and their soft, brownish coats. I simply fall in love with every Jersey I meet. If you think full-grown Jersey cows are cute, just wait until you see their babies – total cuteness overload! Jersey cows can birth their first calves when they are about two years old, which is several weeks before most Holsteins can calve for the first time. Homesteaders who wish to breed dairy cows often choose Jerseys for this reason.

Thank a Jersey cow today

These are just a few of the many reasons why I am thankful my family has a Jersey cow on our homestead. What makes you appreciative of this amazing breed? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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Hi there! I’m Kelsey! I am a wife, a mother and homesteader. I’m also a Certified Natural Health Practitioner so health is very important to me. I love to help people with their health journey. A HUGE part of that process is through high quality milk. I am a massive proponent of rich, high quality milk from Jersey Cows.


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